Friday, 24 October 2014

Chemistry Learning Materials for Beginners

Chemistry (2110001-GTU) Mid semeser Result (ENV))

Chemistry Mid-semester result.
Government Engineering College, Valsad Mid-Sem Exam Result-Chemistry (2110001)
Environmental Engineering Department
B.E.-1st Year, 1st  Sem GTU ,               YEAR 2014 - 2015
Enrollment No. Marks/20 Remid ALA % Attandance
140190113001 18
140190113002 15
140190113003 14
140190113004 4.0
140190113005 18
140190113006 13
140190113007 13
140190113008 3.0
140190113009 15
140190113010 1.0
140190113011 6.0
140190113012 16
140190113013 15
140190113014 15
140190113015 16
140190113016 16
140190113017 12
140190113018 12
140190113019 17
140190113020 11
140190113021 11
140190113022 nil
140190113023 15
140190113024 12
140190113025 17
140190113026 8
140190113027 nil
140190113028 11
140190113029 nil
140190113030 nil
140190113031 12
140190113032 16
140190113033 12
140190113034 11
140190113035 nil
140190113036 14
140190113037 17
140190113038 12
140190113039 15
140190113040 12
140190113041 12
140190113042 9
140190113043 nil
140190113044 5
140190113045 13
140190113046 1
140190113047 11
140190113048 8
140190113049 10
140190113050 4
140190113051 9
140190113052 17
140190113053 8
140190113054 13
140190113055 8
140190113056 9
140190113057 8
140190113058 14
140190113059 nil
140190113060 15
140190113061 2
140190113062 11
140190113063 13

Organic Chemistry Charts for conversions.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Chemistry (2110001-GTU) Assignment-10

  1. Explain the following terms with their uses in chemistry i) Specific gravity ii) Melting point iii) Boiling point iv) Crystallization v) Conductivity vi) Turbidity vii) pH
  2. Give the difference between qualitative and quantitative analysis.
  3. What is spectroscopy? Give usefulness in chemical analysis.
  4. Define Chromatography and give applications in analytical chemistry. 

Chemistry (2110001-GTU) Assignment-9

  1. Define the terms : Refractory, Abrasives and Insulators.
  2. Write the characteristics of refractories.
  3. How are refractories classified?
  4. Write short notes on porosity and permeability of a refractory
  5. Prepare a note on classification, properties and uses of abrasives.
  6. Explain classification of Insulators
  7. Write properties and uses of Insulators.

Chemistry (2110001-GTU) Assignment-8

  1. Define Biotechnology.
  2. What is genetic engineering?
  3. Prepare a note on uses of biotechnology in different fields.
  4. Write six different industrial applications of enzymes..

Chemistry (2110001-GTU) Assignment-7

  1. Define fuel and combustion. 
  2. What are the types of fuels? Explain them with advantages and disadvantages.
  3. Define calorific value. Give its importance. List some examples.
  4. Give some properties of good fuel.
  5. What is proximate and ultimate analysis of coal? Write a note on analysis of coal.
  6. Prepare a note on LPG, Natural gas and CNG.
  7. Explain refining of petroleum by fractional distillation with diagram.
  8. What is call biogas? Write short note on it.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Chemistry (2110001-GTU) Assignment-6

  1. Define the terms: polymer, monomer, heavy polymer, oligo polymer
  2. Write a note about the classification of polymers on the basis of Source, Structure, molecular forces with examples.
  3. Give the common mechanisms(anionic, cationic and non-ionic) of polymerization process.
  4. Classify the polymers on the basis of their process of synthesis with examples.
  5. Write difference between thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers.
  6. Define rubber and give some examples.
  7. Classify rubber with examples.
  8. Give difference between natural and synthetic rubber.
  9. Define the term Elastomer and give properties of natural rubber.
  10. Explain the term vulcanization of rubber and its usefulness.
  11. What are biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymers give examples
  12. Give synthesis, properties and uses of  i) PVC ii) polypropene iii) polystyrene iv)SBR
  13. What is call fiber? Give types with examples.
  14. Give propeties and uses of fibers viz. Cellulose acetic, Viscose Rayon, Nylon, Polyesters acrylic, Glass fibres, Liquid Crystals.
  15. Write applications of rubber.

Chemistry (2110001-GTU) Assignment-5

  1. What is cement? Write a note on the classification of cement materials.
  2. Prepare a list of properties of cement and explain them.
  3. What are the basic row materials for manufactures of Portland Cement? 
  4.  Explain in brief manufacture of Portland cement by wet process and dry process.
  5. Draw the flow sheet diagram of manufacture of cement for wet process.
  6. Write not on setting and hardening cement.
  7. Write a short note on standards of cement.
  8. Explain the terms PCC and RCC.
  9. Prepare a list of uses of cement.
  10. Explain the environmental impact of cement industries.