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Wednesday, 13 July 2016
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A Scientific Journal published by GOI for the common men : Everyman's Science
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The two-day National symposium at GCET Click Here
21st International Conference on Organic Synthesis DECEMBER 11-16, 2016 - BOMBAY, INDIA Click Here
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CUG WORKSHOP September 15 to 17 2016.
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Saturday, 2 July 2016
Organic Chemistry and Unit Processes : 2130501 Term Dates : 04-07-2016 to 02-12-2016
Academic Calendar of GTU
To all our new and old students.
Welcome to the new semester!
Hope that all you will come with "Assignment:0 Prerequisite" completed.
We hope that, once more it will a good and interesting course program for you. Even though we have tried to finalize our scheduling and class rooms allocations, Class room and time changes may occur. Therefore, we would like to ask you to frequently check our notice boards for notifications and updates. It is also advised to visit this blog frequently for getting new learning experiences, learning materials or some instructions.
There are two divisions as following
Division-1 150190105001 to 150190105066 1 to 21 Batch 31, 22 to 41 batch 32, 42 to 66 Batch 33
Division-2 150190105067 to 150190105126 67 to 92 Batch 35 93 to 113 batch 36 114 to 126 Batch 37
To all our new and old students.
Welcome to the new semester!
I look forward to working with you over the next 19 weeks in OC&UP(2131301). Get ready for a journey of a lifetime learning memories. In this course you will learn about general organic chemistry and unit processes Stereochemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, Colour, Dyes and Pigments and many more topics which will help you to gain a vast knowledge regarding basic chemistry behind the synthesis of chemical. in addition to this some topics like, Synthetic Drugs, Amino acid & Protein Chemistry and Hetero-cyclic Compounds will also guide you to get required knowledge regarding the emerging and developing field of biochemical engineering.
Weekly participation in 3 lectures and one laboratory of 2 hours are essential throughout the course to be successful in the subject.
This course will have 7 Labs, 5 Hand written assignments, One power point presentation, One active learning assignment in MS-Word file. One Open Ended Project work.
We hope that, once more it will a good and interesting course program for you. Even though we have tried to finalize our scheduling and class rooms allocations, Class room and time changes may occur. Therefore, we would like to ask you to frequently check our notice boards for notifications and updates. It is also advised to visit this blog frequently for getting new learning experiences, learning materials or some instructions.
There are two divisions as following
Division-1 150190105001 to 150190105066 1 to 21 Batch 31, 22 to 41 batch 32, 42 to 66 Batch 33
Division-2 150190105067 to 150190105126 67 to 92 Batch 35 93 to 113 batch 36 114 to 126 Batch 37
Assignment:0 Prerequisite
1. Write 50
IUPAC names of organic molecules and draw their structures.
2. Draw
50 structures of organic molecules and write their IUPAC names.
1. Differentiate
fission and fusion reaction with two examples.
2. Define
the terms: Free Radical, Carbonium, Carbanion, Carbenes and Nitrenes.
Nucleophilles and Electrophilles with suitable example and figure.
3. What are
SN1 and SN2 reactions explain with examples one of each.
4. Describe
four main types of organic reactions.
5. Explain
the manufacturing process of Acetic acid
6. Explain
mechanism of Esterification with an example.
7. Discuss
Strengths of Acids.
8. Explain
the nomenclature of carboxylic acids.
9. Give
manufacturing process of following acids : Formic acid, Oxalic acid, Palmitic
acid & Stearic acid with suitable illustrations.
1. Define
Optical, Geometrical and Conformational Isomerism with proper examples.
2. What
is call optical activity with respect to organic compounds?
3. Explain
Polarimeter with its instrumentation, working and importance.
4. Define
specific rotation with importance.
5. Explain
the concept of Diasteromers, Enantiomers and meso compound with the example of
lactic acid and tartaric acid.
6. Explain E
and Z designation with two examples.
7. How would
you carried out Resolution of (i) racemic mixture of acids and (ii) racemic
mixture of bases?
8. Differentiate
between unit process and unit operation Discuss the advantages of continuous
process and batch process over each other.
9. Finde out
the absolute configuration of followings.
10. Define
nitration. Enlist various nitrating agents and discuss the function of
sulphuric acid in the mixed acid used for nitration
11. Describe
the batch nitration of benzene with mixed acid Give an account on methods of
reduction for the preparation of amines. Illustrate various products of
reduction of nitrobenzene
12. Explain
kinetics and mechanism of aromatic nitration. What is the
effect of Nitrous acid on nitration
13. Describe
the manufacture of p – nitro acetanilide Define unit process. Why is it so
called? How do unit processes differ from unit operation?
14. Give
a brief account of nitration of paraffinic hydrocarbon Give evidence to
establish the formation of nitryl ions in a nitration process conducted using
mixed acids
15. Describe
following unit processes –with suitable industrial important chemicals:
Amination, Hydrogenation, Halogenations, Oxidation and Reduction.
16. Explain
following unit processes –with suitable industrial important chemicals:
Sulphonation, Hydrolysis, Alkylation and Polymerization.
1. What is
polynuclear compound. Write preparation, properties and uses of
2. write
structural formula of anthracene and give one preparation and three reactions.
3. What is
heterocyclic compound? give synthesis and reactions of pyrrole and Furan.
4. Write
about nomenclature of heterocyclic comppounds.
5. Give one
synthesis and two uses of each: Thiophene, Pyridine and Quinoline.
6. Write
about the chemical properties of Thiophene, Pyridine and Quinoline.
7. Compare
the physical properties of Thiophene, Pyridine and Quinoline, Furan,
Naphthalene, Anthracene.
8. Explain
the term carbohydrates. And give classification.
9. Give two
chemical reactions of each: Glucose, Fructose and Starch.
10. Give the
conversion of any aldose to ketose and ketose to aldose.
11. Give
conversion of pentose to hexasose.
12. Explain
the manring of cane sugar from sugarcane with flow sheet.
1. Define
the terms i) Aminoacid ii) alpha amino acid iii) Protien
2. Prepare a
note on qualitative tests of proteins.
3. Give any
three synthesis of aminoacids.
4. Give
properties of aminoacids.
5. What is
amphoteric nature of amino acid?
6. explain
isoelectric point.
7. Prepare a
note on Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quartanery Structure of Protein.
8. What are
RNA and DNA. give types of RNA.
9. Explain
the importance of DNA and its structure.
10. Write
mechanism and four uses of these reactions: Canninzaro, Wolf Kishner and Clasien.
11. What is
call diazotisation? Explain with importance in different chemical
12. Explain
sandmayer reaction with mechanism.
13. Compile
some facts like General reaction, Mechanism, examples and applications on
Curtius reaction.
14. What is
Baeyer Villiger oxidation reaction? Give mechanism and application.
15. Give some
applications of Hoffman degradation reaction with any one mechanism .
16. Prepare a
note with General reaction, Mechanism, examples and applications of the Michael
and Dieckmann reactions.
17. What is
Drug and Medicine?
18. What are
Antiseptics? Give an example with synthesis.
19. What
are Antimalarials? give two examples and any one synthesis.
20. Explain
the term 'Antibacterials' and suggest an example with synthesis.
21. Give
classification of drug according to their therapeutic uses with examples.
Assignment: 5
1. Give
synthesis and uses of Sulphanilamide, Sulphaguanidine, Chloromycetin, and
2. Write the
difference between Colour, Dyes and Pigments.
3. Give
classification of dyes based on Application and structural representation with
an example of each.
4. What are
chromophore and auxochrome explain with examples.
5. Prepare a
note on theories of colour.
6. Write a
note on application of dyes and pigments.
7. Give
preparation of dyes: Congo red, Malachite Green,
Crystal Violet, Alizarin, Phenolphthalein, Fluorescein, Eosin and
8. Write a
note on occurrence and composition of crude oil.
9. Explain
the distillation of the Crude oil.
10. Explain
the terms: Cracking, Knocking, Octane Number &
Cetane Number.
11. What is
Synthetic petrol write any one method of preparation of synthetic petrol.
List of practicals to be performed in the Labs.
List of practicals to be performed in the Labs.
To determine the melting Point of the given compound.
of Acetanilide from Aniline.
To determine
flow rate of different organic compound by paper chromatography.
To prepare Acetylsalicylic acid from salicylic acid.
To synthesize Sudan‐I dye from aniline and β‐naphthol.
To identify unknown organic compound.………………………..
Practicals Based
on Latest Outcomes in Technology Study
of moiture containt in given sample by Infrared moiture balance.
Assignment Submission Dates:
Sr. No
no. / Unit
Sr. No
no. / Unit
For Word file Size A4, font Times new roman: Title 14 Bold, Subtitle 13 normal, matters should be in 12 normal, All paragraphs should be justified, images should be sent as jpeg/png format sepratly with the mail, reactions and structures should be drawn in the ACD/ChemSketch software.Freeware link
The word, ppt and SAQ files can be sent on Email id
File Names must be as follows :
For word file Enrlnumber_2130501_Word.doc example : 1234567890_2130501_Word.doc
For ppt file Enrlnumber_2130501_PPT.ppt example : 1234567890_2130501_PPT.ppt PPT Format
For SAQ file Enrlnumber_2130501_SAQ.doc example : 1234567890_2130501_SAQ.doc SAQ Format
NPTEL Video or other related video must be in MP4 format resolution >=360, you can use internet at our laboratory.
Word file Topics:
150190105001 | Introduction of general principles of organic reactions and mechanism and type of fission reaction |
150190105002 | Types of reaction Intermediates |
150190105003 | Types of Reagents |
150190105004 | Define the Organic Reaction by Substitution and Addition Reaction |
150190105005 | Define the Organic Reaction by Elimination,Rearrangement and Polymerization Reaction |
150190105006 | Introduction of Stereo Chemistry and Define Optical activity |
150190105007 | Define Plane- polarized light,Pane of symmetry and chiral, Specific Rotation |
150190105008 | Optical activity in Lactic and Tartaric Acid |
150190105009 | R and S notification of optically active compound |
150190105010 | E and Z system for geometrical Isomer and Resolution of racemic mixture |
150190105011 | Introduction of various processes and operations and |
150190105012 | Nitration and Amination |
150190105013 | Hydrogenation and it's application |
150190105014 | Halogenation and it's application |
150190105015 | Oxidation and its advantages and disadvantages |
150190105016 | Reduction and it's advantages and disadvantages |
150190105017 | Alkylation |
150190105018 | Sulphonation and Hydrolysis |
150190105019 | Polymerization and it's applications |
150190105021 | Unit Operation |
150190105022 | Separation processes |
150190105023 | Purification |
150190105024 | Reaction processes |
150190105025 | Heat exchangers |
150190105026 | Introduction of Carboxylic acid and nomenclature |
150190105027 | Manufacture,Properties and uses of Acetic acid |
150190105028 | Manufacture ,properties and uses of Formic acid |
150190105029 | Manufacture ,properties and uses of Oxalic acid |
150190105030 | Manufacture , Reactions palmitate acid and Stearic acid |
150190105031 | Manufacture, properties and Uses of Acid amide and Ester |
150190105032 | Manufacture,Properties and uses of Acid chloride |
150190105033 | Manufacture,properties and uses of Acid anhydride and other reaction of carboxylic acid |
150190105034 | Introduction of Poly-nuclear and hetero cyclic compound |
150190105035 | classification of Poly-nuclear and hetero-cyclic compound |
150190105036 | Naphthalene |
150190105037 | Anthracene |
150190105038 | Pyrrole |
150190105039 | Furan |
150190105040 | Thiophene |
150190105041 | Pyridine |
150190105042 | Quinoline |
150190105043 | Diazotization |
150190105044 | Sandmeyar and Cannizaro Reaction |
150190105046 | Wolf kishner Reduction and Clasien and Cartius Reaction |
150190105047 | Baeyar-Villiger and Hoffmann Reaction |
150190105048 | Michael additional Reaction and Dieckmann condensation |
150190105050 | Introduction and classification of Carbohydrate |
150190105051 | D and L designation of saccharides and configuration of D-glucose |
150190105054 | Reaction of D-glucose |
150190105055 | Configuration and Reaction of D-Fructose |
150190105056 | Starch |
150190105058 | conversion of higher to lower aldose and lower to higher aldose |
150190105059 | conversion of ketose to aldose and aldose to ketose and manufacture of cane suger |
150190105060 | Introduction of amino acid and protein chemistry and classification of protein |
150190105061 | Isolation and Qualitative test of protein |
150190105062 | classification and reaction of amino acid |
150190105063 | structure of protein,DNA and RNA |
150190105064 | Introduction of synthetic drugs |
150190105065 | Antiseptic,Halogenated Antiseptic,Antimalarial drug |
150190105066 | Quinidine, Antibacterial and sulpha drug |
150190105067 | sulpha drug |
150190105068 | Types of fission reaction and types of Reagents |
150190105069 | Types of Reaction Intermediates |
150190105070 | Nucleophilic Substitution reaction |
150190105072 | Electrophilic Substitution reaction |
150190105074 | Classification Of amino acid |
150190105075 | additional reaction |
150190105076 | elimination reaction |
150190105078 | rearrangement reaction and polymerization reaction |
150190105079 | introduction to stereo chemistry |
150190105081 | optical activity |
150190105083 | plane polarized light and plane of and chiral symmetry |
150190105084 | measurment of optical activity and speafic rotation |
150190105085 | optical activity in lactic and tarteric acid |
150190105086 | R and S notification of optical activity compound |
150190105087 | Resolution of recemic Mixture |
150190105089 | Nitration Process |
150190105090 | Amination and Hydrogenation process |
150190105091 | Halogenation process |
150190105092 | Oxidation process |
150190105093 | Reduction process |
150190105094 | Sulphonation process |
150190105095 | Hydrolysis process |
150190105096 | Alkynation of any four types |
150190105097 | Condensation and addition polymerisation |
150190105098 | Explain the separation process |
150190105099 | Explain purification and reaction process |
150190105100 | Explain heat exchangers |
150190105101 | Method of preparation of carboxylic acid |
150190105102 | Note on acetic acid |
150190105103 | Explain about formic acid |
150190105104 | Explain about Palmitic acid |
150190105105 | Derivatives of carboxylic acid |
150190105106 | Preparation,propertis and chemical reaction of napthalene |
150190105108 | Preparation,propertis, chemical reaction and uses of anthracene |
150190105109 | classification of protein and isolation of protein |
150190105110 | Preparation,propertis and chemical reaction of Furan |
150190105111 | Preparation,propertis and chemical reaction of Thiopene |
150190105112 | Preparation,propertis and chemical reaction of pyrinine |
150190105113 | Synthesis properties and chemical reaction of quinonine |
150190105114 | Explain Diazotisation |
150190105115 | Sandmeyer and cannizaro reaction |
150190105116 | Wolfkishner and Clasien reaction |
150190105117 | Cartins and Bayers vulnerisation |
150190105118 | Hoffman and michael additional reaction |
150190105119 150190105120 |
Classification of carbohydrates and D and L designation of saccharide Turbidity and its measurement with applications |
150190105121 | Configuration of D glucose |
150190105122 | Reaction of D glucose |
150190105123 | Configuration and reaction of D fructose |
150190105124 | Synthesis of amino acid amphoteric nature and isoelectric point of α-amino acid |
150190105126 | Preparation,propertis and chemical reaction of Pyrrole |
D2D-1 | phenacetin drug |
D2D-2 | paracetamol drug |
D2D-3 | sulphanilamide drug |
D2D-4 | sulphaguanidine drug |
D2D-5 | chloroquine drug |
D2D-6 | classification of dye based on application |
D2D-7 | classification of dye based on structure |
D2D-8 | congo red dye |
D2D-9 | malachite green dye |
D2D-10 | alizarin dye (anthraquinone dye) |
D2D-11 | eosin dye |
D2D-12 | indigo dye(vat dye) |
D2D-13 | crystal voilet dye |
D2D-14 | phenolphthalein dye (triarylmethane dye) |
D2D-15 | Esterification process |
D2D-16 | Amination Process |
D2D-17 | Anthraquinone dyes |
D2D-18 | Diasteromers |
D2D-19 | E and Z designation |
D2D-20 | Resolution of racemic mixture |
D2D-21 | Acid Amides |
D2D-22 | Acid Anhydrides |
D2D-23 | Stearic acid |
D2D-24 | Composition of Crude oil |
D2D-25 | Distillation of the Crude oil |
D2D-26 | Synthetic petrol.(Two Methods) |
D2D-27 | Antibacterial Drugs |
D2D-28 | A note on Paracetamol |
D2D-29 | A note on Phenacetin |
D2D-30 | A note on Sulphanilamides |
D2D-31 | Hoffman Reactions |
D2D-32 | Naphthalene as aromatic compound |
D2D-33 | Baeyer Villiger oxidation reaction |
D2D-34 | Thiophene |
D2D-35 | Pyridine |
D2D-36 | Quinoline |
ppt /Video file.... topics
150190105001 | About S block of periodic table |
150190105002 | About P block of periodic table |
150190105003 | About D block of periodic table |
150190105004 | Nomenclature rules of organic compounds |
150190105005 | Fission reactions |
150190105006 | Free redicals ,Carbonium and nitrenes |
150190105007 | Carbanion and carbenes |
150190105008 | Nucleophilles and Electrophilles |
150190105009 | Diffrent types of organic reactions |
150190105010 | Adition reactions |
150190105011 | Purification of organic compounds |
150190105012 | Composition of organic compounds |
150190105013 | Structures of organic molecules |
150190105014 | Isomerism |
150190105015 | Spectroscopy |
150190105016 | Alkanes |
150190105017 | Alkenes |
150190105018 | Alkynes |
150190105019 | Alkyl Halides |
150190105021 | Alcoholes |
150190105022 | Aldyhides |
150190105023 | Carboxylic acids |
150190105024 | Amines |
150190105025 | Esters |
150190105026 | Aromatic compounds |
150190105027 | Optical activity |
150190105028 | Racemic mixtures and their resolutions |
150190105029 | Nitration process |
150190105030 | Amination process |
150190105031 | Hydrohelogenation and helogenation process |
150190105032 | Oxidation and reduction process |
150190105033 | Sulphonation process |
150190105034 | Alkylation |
150190105035 | Polynuclear compounds |
150190105036 | Heterocyclic compounds |
150190105037 | Classification of carbohydrates |
150190105038 | Configuration and chemical reactions of saccharides |
150190105039 | Protein chemistry |
150190105040 | Coloures |
150190105041 | Dyes |
150190105042 | Pigments |
150190105043 | Occurance and compositions of crude oil |
150190105044 | Balancing chemical equations |
150190105046 | Substitution Reactions |
150190105047 | The Helogens |
150190105048 | The carbon Group |
150190105050 | The nitrogen group |
150190105051 | The oxygen group |
150190105054 | The nobel gases |
150190105055 | Safety Precautions in OC&UP laboratory |
150190105056 | SN1 and SN2 reactions |
150190105058 | Functional Groups Of organic chemistry |
150190105059 | Stereochemistry |
150190105060 | Atoms,molecules and ions |
150190105061 | Substitution Reactions |
150190105062 | Antibiotics |
150190105063 | Distillation of cruid oil |
150190105064 | Octane number and cetane number |
150190105065 | Synthetic petrol |
150190105066 | Synthetic polymers |
150190105067 | Steroids |
150190105068 | Ketons |
150190105069 | Polymerization Process |
150190105070 | Elimination reactions |
150190105072 | About Benzene |
150190105074 | Geometrical and Conformational Isomerism |
150190105075 | Diasteromers |
150190105076 | Hydrolysis process |
150190105078 | Preparation, properties and manufacture of Acetic Acid |
150190105079 | Preparation, properties and manufacture of Formic Acid |
150190105081 | Preparation, properties and manufacture of Oxalic Acid |
150190105083 | Acid Anhydrides and Chlorides |
150190105084 | Mechanism of Esterification and strengths of acids |
150190105085 | Drugs details, their advantages and drawbacks |
150190105086 | Vitamins |
150190105087 | Nitration process and its industrial application. |
150190105089 | Amination process and its industrial application |
150190105090 | Hydrogenation process and it's industrial application |
150190105091 | Halogenations process and its industrial application |
150190105092 | Derivativatives of Carboxylic Acid |
150190105093 | Oxidation and Reduction Reaction. |
150190105094 | Mechanism of Esteriofication. |
150190105095 | Sulphonation process and its industrial application. |
150190105096 | Hydrolysis process and it's industrial application. |
150190105097 | Alkylation and polymerisation process |
150190105098 | Manufacture process of Oxalic Acid |
150190105099 | Types of Organic reactions and its mechanism. |
150190105100 | Nucleophillic Addition Reaction. |
150190105101 | Electrophilic Addition Reaction |
150190105102 | Nucleophillic Substitution Reaction. |
150190105103 | Electrophilic Substitution Reaction |
150190105104 | Polynuclear And heterocyclic compound |
150190105105 | Preparation,properties and uses of Napthalene. |
150190105106 | Optical, Geometrical and Conformational Isomerism. |
150190105108 | Optical activity in Lactic and Tartaric acid. |
150190105109 | R and S configuration of Optically active compound . |
150190105110 | E and Z designation of Geometrical isomers. |
150190105111 | Introduction, Preparation and Properties of Carboxylic Acid |
150190105112 | Manufacture Process of Acetic acid. |
150190105113 | Manufacture Process of Formic acid. |
150190105114 | Preparation,properties and uses of Anthracene. |
150190105115 | Preparation,properties and uses of Pyrrole. |
150190105116 | Preparation,properties and uses of Furan. |
150190105117 | Preparation,properties and uses of Thiophene. |
150190105118 | Preparation,properties and uses of Pyridine. |
150190105119 150190105120 |
and uses of Quinoline. Turbidity and its measurement |
150190105121 | Application of Diazotisation Reaction. |
150190105122 | Application of Sandmeyer Reaction. |
150190105123 | Application of Cannizaro Reaction |
150190105124 | Application of Wolf Kishner Reaction |
150190105126 | Application of Clasien, Curtius Reaction |
D2D-1 | Application of Baeyyer Villiger Reaction |
D2D-2 | Application of Hoffman and Michael Dieckmann reaction. |
D2D-3 | Introduction and classification to CARBOHYDRATES. |
D2D-4 | Configuration and Chemical reaction of Carbohydrates. |
D2D-5 | Killiani Synthesis, Ruff & Wohl’s Degradation |
D2D-6 | Conversion of Aldose to Ketose. |
D2D-7 | Manufacturing of Cane Sugar from Sugarcane with flow sheet. |
D2D-8 | Introduction and classification of Protein. |
D2D-9 | Composition and Isolation of Protein. |
D2D-10 | Classification of Amino acids & their synthesis. |
D2D-11 | Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quartanery Structure of Protein. |
D2D-12 | RNA AND DNA |
D2D-13 | Synthesis of Drugs and Antiseptics. |
D2D-14 | synthesis of Halogenated compounds and Antimalarials. |
D2D-15 | Classification of dyes based on Application and Structural representation. |
D2D-16 | Synthesis of Antibacterials and Sulpha Aspirin. |
D2D-17 | Synthesis of Phenacetin and Paracetamol. |
D2D-18 | synthesis of Sulphanilamide and Sulphaguanidine. |
D2D-19 | Synthesis of Chloromycetin and Chloroquine. |
D2D-20 | Quinonoid Theory |
D2D-21 | Valence Bond Theory |
D2D-22 | molecular orbitaol theory |
D2D-23 | Application of Dyes and Pigments. |
D2D-24 | Preparation of Congo red. |
D2D-25 | Preparation of Malachite Green. |
D2D-26 | Preparation of Crystal Violet. |
D2D-27 | Preparation of Alizarin. |
D2D-28 | Preparation of Phenophthalin. |
D2D-29 | Preparation of Flurescein. |
D2D-30 | Preparation of Eosin. |
D2D-31 | Preparation of Indigo. |
D2D-32 | Occurrence- Composition of Crude oil. |
D2D-33 | Distillation of the Crude oil. |
D2D-34 | Synthetic petrol. |
D2D-35 | Optical activity in Lactic and Tartaric acid, |
D2D-36 | Fission Reaction and reaction intermediates |
D2D-37 | Optical, Geometrical and Conformational Isomerism |
D2D-38 | Resolution of racemic mixture. |
D2D-39 | Qualitative tests of Proteins. |
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To all our new and old students. Welcome to the new semester! I look forward to working with you over the next 19 weeks ...
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