Monday, 18 January 2016

CPI-2 11-01-2016 to 11-05-2016

Academic Calendar:
Syllabus : 2140506

Submit your open ended project topic as as possible.
Format for OEP reports

List of Sugar Factories in our nearby area.



BOOK-3          Book-4   Book-5    Useful link-1

Flow sheet Components (1)

Useful links

Assignment -1
1.              Give detailed classification of dyes according to chemical constitution and application. [NPTEL]  Chart [HTML] [PPT]
2.              What is dye intermediate? Discuss production of nitro benzene with chemical reactions, flow diagram and its applications. [Flow sheet]
3.              Write short note on Oxazines and Thiazines dyes.(may-2012)
4.              Discuss manufacture of ‘Chrome Blue Black U’ dye with neat flow diagram.
5.              Explain:  Vat dyes, disperse dyes
6.              Explain manufacturing of H-acid? Also list out the various application of H acid.
7.              Write a short note on Sulfonation. [1] [2]
8.              DiscussAniline production and its application. (Winter-2015)
            Flow diagram new technology  
9.              Draw the flow chart for the production of indigo dye and explain the process in detail.[1 lab manual] [2]
10.         Starting with chemical and physical properties, explain the manufacturing process of anthraquinone with flow sheet.

Assignment -2
  1. Write a short note on “Classification of drugs” based on its application.
  2. Define: Antibiotics. Explain in brief about Erythromycin, Streptomycin and Penicillin with its uses.
  3.  Discuss about manufacturing process of aspirin.
Assignment -3

1.     What is fermentation? Discuss manufacture of industrial alcohol by aerobic fermentation process.

2.     Explain beer manufacture with a suitable flow diagram.

3.     Describe in brief: red pigment and blue pigment.

4.     Discuss citric acid production with a flowchart along with major applications.

5.     Explain: Application of insulin, Phenobarbital, Role of Vitamins in human  life .

Topics for Word and PPT file preparation
140190105002 Introduction of dyes and intermediates
140190105005 Classification of dyes according to constitution
140190105006 Classification of dyes according to application
140190105007 Azo dyes and its application
140190105009 Acid dyes with its application
140190105011 Manufacturing of chrome blue black dyes with flowsheet
140190105012 Basic dyes with its application
140190105013 vitamin B12 and its importance
140190105014 vitamin B6 and its importance
140190105015 vitamin D and its importance
140190105016 vitamin B3 and its application
140190105017 Triamyl dyes and its application
140190105018 Anthraquione dyes and its application 
140190105019 Dispered dyes and its application
140190105020 Azine dyes and its application
140190105021 Thiazines dyes and its application
140190105022 Thiazoles dyes and its application
140190105023 Manufacturing of Napthlene sulfonic acid intermediates with reaction
140190105024 Manufacturing of TNB intermediates with reaction
140190105025 Manufacturing of H-acid with flowsheet
140190105027 Application of H-acid and koch acid
140190105028 Manufacturing of koch acid with flowsheet
140190105029 Manufacturing of vinyl sulphone with flowsheet
140190105030 Application of vinyl sulphone and vat dyes
140190105031 manufacturing ofnVAT dyes flow sheet
140190105032 manufacturing of nitro benzen with flow sheet
140190105033 manufacturing of nitro benzen reaction and its application
140190105034 manufacturing of aniline with flow sheet
140190105035 manufacturing of aniline reaction and its application
140190105037 Azo chromophore, importance and properties
140190105039 Anthraquione chromophore
140190105040 Indigoid chromophore,  importance and properties
140190105041 Manufacturing of chrome blue black dyes reaction and its application
140190105042 Manufacturing process of O-toluidin with application and flowsheet
140190105043 manufacturing process of G-acid with reaction and its application
140190105044 Manufacturing process of Indoxyl with reaction and its application
140190105046 Diazotization Shortnote
140190105047 Mordant and solvent dyes and its application 
140190105048 properties and manufacturing of anthroquione
140190105049 Introduction of drugs and pharmaceuticals
140190105050 classfication of various drugs based on therapeutics
140190105051 Introduction of antibiotics
140190105052 Introduction of vitamins
140190105054 manufacturing process of aspirin
140190105055 manufacturing reaction of aspirin and vitamin-C
140190105056 manufacturing process of vitamin-C
140190105057 Intoduction of paints
140190105058 Manufacturing process of barbital with flowsheet
140190105059 Manufacturing process of phenol barbitol
140190105061 Manufacturing reaction of barbitol and phenol barbitol
140190105062 Application of antibiotics
140190105063 Manufacturing reaction of vitamin B1 and importance
140190105064 Manufacturing procees of penicillin
140190105065 Application of drugs 
140190105066 Manufacturing of insulin
140190105067 Auxochorme
140190105068 Introduction of pigments
140190105069 Introduction of sugar
140190105070 flowsheet for refind cane-sugar
140190105072 Manufacturing of erythromycin
140190105073 Decolorization char filtration 
140190105074 Manufacturing process of beet sugar
140190105075 Yellow pigment
140190105076 Brown pigment
140190105077 Application of paint
140190105078 Application of pigment
140190105079 Varnishes 
140190105080 Application of varnishes
140190105081 Industrial coating
140190105082 Application of industrial coating
140190105083 Printing inks
140190105084 Industrial polishes
140190105085 Application printing inks and industrial polishes
140190105086 Introduction of fermentation alcohol
140190105087 Introduction of industrial alcohol
140190105088 Making of industrial alcohol with flowsheet
140190105090 Application of industrial alcohol
140190105091 Comparisons between fermentationalcohol and alcohol from ethylene
140190105092 Introduction of absolute alcohol
140190105093 Application of absolute alcohol
140190105094 Production of beer
140190105095 Production of wine
140190105096 Production of distilled liquors
140190105098 Similarity between the production of wine and beer
140190105099 Application of wine and beer
140190105100 Manufacturing of butyl alcohol by fermentation
140190105101 Manufacturing of citric acid by fermentation 
140190105102 Application of butyl alcohol and citric acid
140190105103 Manufacturing process of O-xylene and P-xylene intermediates 
140190105104 Manufacturing process of salicylic acid intermediates
140190105105 White pigment
140190105106 Sulfonation and examples of technical sulfonation
140190105107 Nitration and examples of technical nitration 
140190105108 Amination by redaction and examples of technical amination by reduction
140190105109 Halogenation and examples of technical halogenation
140190105110 Blue pigments
140190105111 Red pigments
140190105112 Fiber reactive dyes and solvent dyes
140190105113 Green pigments
140190105114  Fluorescent brightening agents and sulfur dyes
140190105115 Flowsheet for aniline from phenol
140190105116 Similarity between unit operation in manufacturing of streptomycin and erythromycin
140190105117 Azoic dyes and direct dyes
140190105118 Manufacturing of streptomycin
140190105119 Cosmetic colors
140190105120 Application of pharmaceuticals
140190105121 Manufacturing reaction of vitamin B2 and importance
140190105122 vitamin E and its importance
140190105123 vitamin C and its importance
150193105001 vitamin K and its importance
150193105002 write short note on Analgesic
150193105003 write short note on Antimalarial
150193105004 write short note on Antipyretic
150193105006 Manufacturing of acetone 
150193105009 vitamin H and its application
150193105010 Acridine orange dyes
150193105011 Biological pigments
150193105012 phenolphthalein, Synthesis, and applications with flowsheet
150193105013 Methyl orange, Synthesis, and applications with flowsheet
150193105014 Eriochrome Black T, Synthesis, and applications with flowsheet
150193105017 m-dinitrobenzene Synthesis, and applications with flowsheet
150193105019 p-toludine Synthesis, and applications with flowsheet
150193105020 Coating Methods shortnote
150193105021 UV-coating technique
150193105022 Amytal: Synthesis, and applications with flowsheet, effects
150193105023 UV-coating technique
150193105024 Amytal: Synthesis, and applications with flowsheet, effects
150193105025 Veronal: Synthesis, and applications with flowsheet, effects
150193105026 Luminal: Synthesis, and applications with flowsheet, effects
150193105027 Gentamycin: Synthesis, and applications with flowsheet, effects
150193105028 Tylosin: Synthesis, and applications with flowsheet, effects
150193105029 Difloxacin: Synthesis, and applications with flowsheet, effects
150193105030 Ampicillin: Synthesis, and applications with flowsheet, effects
150193105031 Amoxycillin: Synthesis, and applications with flowsheet, effects
150193105032 Azoic dyes and direct dyes

Exam Date 19-03-2016
Government Engineering College, Valsad Mid-Sem Exam Result-CPI-2 (2140506)
Chemical Engineering Department
B.E.-2nd Year, 4th  Sem (DIV-I,II & III) GTU , YEAR 2015 - 2016
Enroll No. Marks/30 Enroll No. Marks/30 Enroll No. Marks/30 Enroll No. Marks/30 Enroll No. Marks/30
140190105002 28 140190105037 8 140190105069 24 140190105101 4 150193105009 27
140190105005 23 140190105038 12 140190105070 13 140190105102 27 150193105010 14
140190105006 15 140190105039 3 140190105072 12 140190105103 12 150193105011 7
140190105007 17 140190105040 12 140190105073 14 140190105104 18 150193105012 7
140190105009 21 140190105041 13 140190105074 7 140190105105 23 150193105013 15
140190105011 24 140190105042 19 140190105075 15 140190105106 8 150193105014 22
140190105012 14 140190105043 12 140190105076 17 140190105107 16 150193105017 22
140190105013 20 140190105044 23 140190105077 3 140190105108 9 150193105018
140190105014 0 140190105046 22 140190105078 1 140190105109 17 150193105019 25
140190105015 21 140190105047 20 140190105079 AB 140190105110 9 150193105020 11
140190105016 21 140190105048 14 140190105080 20 140190105111 19 150193105021 AB
140190105017 14 140190105049 6 140190105081 21 140190105112 20 150193105022 AB
140190105018 18 140190105050 17 140190105082 25 140190105113 24 150193105023 23
140190105019 22 140190105051 20 140190105083 3 140190105114 15 150193105024 AB
140190105020 22 140190105052 21 140190105084 21 140190105115 12 150193105025 20
140190105021 17 140190105054 7 140190105085 AB 140190105116 14 150193105026 19
140190105022 17 140190105055 2 140190105086 27 140190105117 AB 150193105027 17
140190105023 16 140190105056 22 140190105087 5 140190105118 13 150193105028 24
140190105024 13 140190105057 19 140190105088 16 140190105119 17 150193105029 11
140190105025 18 140190105058 25 140190105090 12 140190105120 25 150193105030 AB
140190105027 25 140190105059 5 140190105091 29 140190105121 12 150193105031 15
140190105028 16 140190105061 14 140190105092 21 140190105122 19 150193105032 18
140190105029 13 140190105062 19 140190105093 17 140190105123 23 120190105115 6
140190105030 13 140190105063 25 140190105094 27 150193105001 24
140190105031 22 140190105064 27 140190105095 15 150193105002 AB
140190105032 12 140190105065 21 140190105096 28 150193105003 5
140190105033 14 140190105066 26 140190105098 14 150193105004 19
140190105034 19 140190105067 13 140190105099 19 150193105006 6
140190105035 17 140190105068 14 140190105100 18 150193105008 AB

Thursday, 7 January 2016