Sunday, 11 June 2017

Organic Chemistry And Unit Processes (2130501) Term Starts on 12-06-2017.

To all our new and old students.
       Welcome to the new semester!

      I look forward to working with you over the next 19 weeks in  OC&UP(2131301). Get ready for a journey of a lifetime learning memories. In this course you will learn about general organic chemistry and unit processes Stereochemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, Colour,  Dyes and Pigments and many more topics which will help you to gain a vast knowledge regarding basic chemistry behind the synthesis of chemical. in addition to this some topics like, Synthetic Drugs, Amino acid & Protein Chemistry and  Hetero-cyclic Compounds will also guide you to get required knowledge regarding the emerging and developing field of biochemical engineering.

Weekly participation in 3 lectures and one laboratory of 2 hours are essential throughout the course to be successful in the subject.
This course will have 7 Laboratory based experiments, 5 Assignments, One power point presentation, One active learning assignment in MS-Word file, one question bank preparation assignment, one 'Open Ended Project' work. And one 'Online Test'.

We hope that, once more it will a good and interesting course program for you. Even though we have tried to finalize our scheduling and class rooms allocations, Class room and time changes may occur. Therefore, we would like to ask you to frequently check our notice boards for notifications and updates. It is also advised to visit this blog frequently for getting new learning experiences, learning materials or some instructions.

Additional knowledge based resources for Reading :   

 BOOK-1            BOOK-2          Organic Chemistry BOOK-3


According to IUPAC system, the name of organic compound, in general consists of the following parts.

(I) Word root (II) Primary suffix    (III) Secondary suffix (IV)Prefix  (I) Word root

The word root represents the number of carbon atoms in the parent chain. For the chains upto four carbon atoms special word roots are used, but for the chains containing more than four carbon atoms, Greek numerals are used.

Word Roots or different lengths of Carbon Chains

Chain Length

Word root

Chain Length

Word root

































 Primary Suffix

Primary suffix is used to represent saturation or unsaturation in the carbon chain. While writing the name, primary suffix is added to the word root.

Some Primary Suffixes

Nature of Carbon Chain

Primary Suffix

Saturated Carbon Chain

Unsaturated Carbon Chains

one C = C bond

two C = C bonds

three C = C bonds

one C ≡C bond

two C ≡C bonds

one C = C and one C≡C








Secondary Suffix

Secondary suffix is used to indicate the functional group in the organic compound. The terminal 'e' of the primary suffix is dropped if it is followed by a suffix beginning with 'a', 'i', 'o', 'u' or 'y'.

Class of organic





IUPAC name of the family

(Word root + Primary suffix + Secondary suffix)





















Carboxylic acids



Alkanoic acid





Acid chlorides



Alkanoyl chloride




Alkyl alkanoate






  • If the name of the secondary suffix begins with a consonant, then the terminal 'e' of the primary suffix is not dropped while adding secondary suffix to it.
  • (The terminal 'e' of primary suffix is also retained if some numerical prefix like di, tri, etc. is used before the secondary suffix.


Prefix is a part of the name which appears before the word root. Prefixes are used to represent the names of alkyl groups (branched chains) or some functional groups which are regarded as substituents.

Some hydrocarbon Groups along with their Prefixes


Alkyl group













CH2 = CH−

CH ≡ C −








isoproyl or

(1−Methyl ethyl)

ethenyl or vinyl


Some functional group which are always represented by prefixes

Functional group



IUPAC name





























Arrangement of Prefixes, Word root and Suffixes: The prefixes, word root and suffixes are arranged as follows while writing the IUPAC name.

Prefix(es) + word root + primary suffix + secondary suffix

Various Rules For Writing Names

In order to have better understanding of various rules of nomenclature, let us discuss it in different parts as

  •  Nomenclature of hydrocarbons.
  •  Nomenclature of compounds containing one functional group.
  • Nomenclature of compounds with more than one similar functional groups.
  • Nomenclature of compounds with more than one dissimilar functional groups.

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbons are named according to the following general rules.

Rule 1: Longest Chain Rule

Select the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms as the parent chain. If some carbon−carbon multiple bond is present, the parent chain must contain the carbon atoms involved in it. The number of carbon atoms in the parent chain determines the word root. The carbon atoms which are not included in the parent chain are considered as alkyl substituents and determine the prefixes.

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules

If two equally long chains are possible, the chain with maximum number of side chains is selected as parent chain. For example,

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules

In some cases, the longest chain is ruled out at the expense of conjugated system. For example,

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules

Rule 2: Lowest Number or Lowest Sum Rule

The selected parent chain is numbered using Arabic numerals and the positions of the alkyl groups are indicated by the number of the carbon atom to which the alkyl group is attached. The numbering is done in such a way that the substituted carbon atoms have the lowest possible numbers. When series of locants containing the same number of terms are compared by term, that series is lowest which contains the lowest number on the occasion of first difference. Some examples are given below:

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules


2,7,8Trimethyldecane is the correct name of the above compound 3,4,9−Trimethydecane is wrong name through it has the lowest sum of numbers. The first name is correct because in the first case substituent gets lower locant value than the second one.

In case of unsaturated hydrocarbons, the carbon atoms involved in the multiple bond should get the lowest possible number, For example.

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules

The name of the compound, in general is written in the following sequence:

(Position Of Substituents)−(Prefixes) (Word Root) (Primary Suffix)

The above sequence is illustrated in the following examples.

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules


Rule 3: Use of Prefixes Di, Tri, etc.

If the compound contains more than one similar alkyl groups, their positions are indicated separately and an appropriate numerical prefix: di, tri, etc. is attached to the same of the substituent. The positions of the substituents are separated by commas. For example,

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules

Rule 4. Alphabetical Arrangement of Prefixes

If there are different alkyl substituents present in the compound, their names are written in the alphabetical order. However, the numerical prefixes such as di, tri, etc are not considered for the alphabetical order. For example.

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules

Naming different alkyl substituents at the equivalent positions. If two different alkyl groups are located at the equivalent positions, then numbering of the chain is done in such a way that the alkyl group which comes first in alphabetic order gets the lower position. For example, if ethyl and methyl groups are present in equivalent positions, then carbon bearing ethyl group should get the lower number as illustrated in the following example.

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules

In the light of the above rules, let us write the IUPAC name of some alphatic hydrocarbons.

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules

Rule 5: Naming the Complex Alkyl Substituents

If the alkyl substituent is further branched it is named as substituted alkyl group. For this purpose, the carbon atoms of the alkyl group are separately numbered in such a way, that the carbon atom directly attached to the parent chain is given number 1. the prefix/name of such a substituent is enclosed in brackets as illustrated in the following example.

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules

Here substituted propyl group is present at carbon number 4 of the parent chain. The propyl group has two methyl substituents as carbon number 1 of the alkyl group. Thus, the name of the compound is 2,2,7−Trimethyl− 4 − (1−methylpropyl) nonane

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules

Here substituted ethyl group is present at carbon number 4 of the parent chain, this ethyl group has two methyl substituents. Thus, the name of the compound is 3−Ethyl−4, 7−dimethyl−4−(1,1−dimethylethyl) decane.

The numerical prefixes bis−, tris−, tetraki−, pentakisetc. are used to indicate a multiplicity of substituted substituent. The name of the substituted substituent is enclosed in parentheses. For example,

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules

Nomenclature Of Compounds Having One Functional Group

It has been pointed out in the beginning that the functional groups (other than C = C or C ≡ C) present in the molecule are indicated by secondary suffixes. However, some of the functional groups are always regarded as substituents and are indicated by the prefixes. The various, rule which are followed while writing the name of the compounds having one functional group are described below.

Rule 1: Longest chain rule

Select the longest continuous chain of the carbon atoms as parent chain. The selected chain must include the carbon atoms involved in the functional groups like −COOH, −CHO, −CN, etc. or those which carry the functional groups like −OH, −NH2,−Cl, −NO2 etc. The number of carbon atoms in parent chain decides the word root.

Rule 2 : Lowest number rule

The carbon atoms of the parent chain are numbered in such a way so that the carbon atom of the functional groups gets the lowest possible number. In case the functional group does not have the carbon atom, then the carbon atom of the parent chain attached to the functional group should get the lowest possible number.

Rule 3, Rule 4 and Rule 5 are used in the similar way as described in case of hydrocarbons earlier.

Some more examples of the compounds containing one functional group are being are below.

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules

When there is a linear chain and two halide groups are present on the two corner, counting of carbon is done in increasing alphabetical order. For example,


1−chloro−4−bromo butane is incorrect but correct name is 1−bromo−4−chloro butane

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules

Naming The Compounds With More Than One Similar Functional Groups

If the organic molecule contains more than one similar functional groups, then in addition to various rules, the numerical prefixes di (for 2), tri(for 3) etc. are added before the secondary suffix which indicates the functional group. While adding such words, the vowel 'e' of the primary suffix is retained. For example,

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules

Here, word root is but, primary suffix is −ane and secondary suffix is ‘ol’. The −OH groups are positioned at carbon number 1,2 and 3. Thus, the name is,

Butane−1,2,3−triol or 1,2,3−Butanetriol

Some more examples of the compounds containing more than one similar functional group are given below.

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons IUPAC naming Rules


4CH3CH —2CH = 1CH2 Buta−1,3−diene or 1,3−Butadiene

Assignment:0 Prerequisite 

1.            Write 50 IUPAC names of organic molecules and draw their structures.

2.             Draw 50 structures of organic molecules and write their IUPAC names. 


1.       Differentiate fission and fusion reaction with two examples.

2.       Define the terms: Free Radical, Carbonium, Carbanion, Carbenes and Nitrenes. Nucleophilles and 

          Electrophilles with suitable example and figure.

3.       What are SN1 and SN2 reactions explain with examples one of each.
4.       Describe four main types of organic reactions.
5.       Explain the manufacturing process of Acetic acid
6.       Explain mechanism of   Esterification with an example.
7.       Discuss Strengths of Acids.
8.       Explain the nomenclature of carboxylic acids. 
9.      Give manufacturing process of following acids : Formic acid, Oxalic acid, Palmitic acid & Stearic acid with suitable illustrations. 

1.            Define Optical, Geometrical and Conformational Isomerism with proper examples.
2.             What is call optical activity with respect to organic compounds?
3.            Explain Polarimeter with its instrumentation, working and importance.
4.            Define specific rotation with importance.
5.            Explain the concept of Diasteromers, Enantiomers and meso compound with the example of lactic acid and tartaric acid.
6.            Explain E and Z designation with two examples.
7.            How would you carried out Resolution of (i) racemic mixture of acids and (ii) racemic mixture of bases?
8.            Differentiate between unit process and unit operation Discuss the advantages of continuous process and batch process over each other.
9.            Finde out the absolute configuration of followings.
10.           Define nitration. Enlist various nitrating agents and discuss the function of sulphuric acid in the mixed acid used for nitration
11.           Describe the batch nitration of benzene with mixed acid Give an account on methods of reduction for the preparation of amines. Illustrate various products of reduction of nitrobenzene
12.           Explain kinetics and mechanism of aromatic nitration. What is the        effect of Nitrous acid on nitration
13.           Describe the manufacture of p – nitro acetanilide Define unit process. Why is it so called? How do unit processes differ from unit operation?
14.           Give a brief account of nitration of paraffinic hydrocarbon Give evidence to establish the formation of nitryl ions in a nitration process conducted using mixed acids
15.           Describe following unit processes –with suitable industrial important chemicals: Amination, Hydrogenation, Halogenations, Oxidation and Reduction.
16.          Explain following unit processes –with suitable industrial important chemicals: Sulphonation, Hydrolysis, Alkylation and Polymerization.

1.            What is polynuclear compound. Write preparation, properties and uses of Naphthalene, 
2.            write structural formula of anthracene and  give one preparation and three reactions.
3.            What is heterocyclic compound? give synthesis and reactions of pyrrole and Furan.
4.            Write about nomenclature of heterocyclic comppounds.
5.            Give one synthesis and two uses of each: Thiophene, Pyridine and Quinoline.
6.            Write about the chemical properties of Thiophene, Pyridine and Quinoline.
7.            Compare the physical properties of Thiophene, Pyridine and Quinoline, Furan, Naphthalene, Anthracene.
8.            Explain the term carbohydrates. And give classification.
9.            Give two chemical reactions of each: Glucose, Fructose and Starch.
10.          Give the conversion of any aldose to ketose and ketose to aldose.
11.          Give conversion of pentose to hexasose.
12.          Explain the manring of cane sugar from sugarcane with flow sheet.

1.            Define the terms i) Aminoacid ii) alpha amino acid iii) Protien
2.            Prepare a note on  qualitative tests of proteins.
3.            Give any three synthesis of aminoacids.
4.            Give properties of aminoacids.
5.            What is amphoteric nature of amino acid?
6.            explain isoelectric point.
7.            Prepare a note on Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quartanery Structure of Protein.
8.            What are RNA and DNA. give types of RNA.
9.            Explain the importance of DNA and its structure.
10.          Write mechanism and four uses of these reactions: Canninzaro, Wolf Kishner and Clasien.
11.          What is call diazotisation? Explain with importance in different chemical manufacturing.
12.          Explain sandmayer reaction with mechanism.
13.          Compile some facts like General reaction, Mechanism, examples and applications on Curtius reaction.
14.          What is Baeyer Villiger oxidation reaction? Give mechanism and application.
15.          Give some applications of Hoffman degradation reaction with any one mechanism .
16.          Prepare a note with General reaction, Mechanism, examples and applications of the Michael and Dieckmann reactions.
17.          What is Drug and Medicine?
18.          What are Antiseptics? Give an example with synthesis.
19.           What are Antimalarials? give two examples and any one synthesis.
20.          Explain the term 'Antibacterials' and suggest an example with synthesis.
21.          Give classification of drug according to their therapeutic uses with examples.

Assignment: 5
1.            Give synthesis and uses of Sulphanilamide, Sulphaguanidine, Chloromycetin, and Chloroquine. 
2.            Write the difference between Colour,  Dyes and Pigments.
3.            Give classification of dyes based on Application and structural representation with an example of each.
4.            What are chromophore and auxochrome explain with examples.
5.            Prepare a note on theories of colour.
6.            Write a note on application of dyes and pigments.
7.            Give preparation of dyes: Congo  red,  Malachite  Green,  Crystal  Violet, Alizarin, Phenolphthalein, Fluorescein, Eosin and Indigo.
8.            Write a note on occurrence and composition of crude oil.
9.            Explain the distillation of the Crude oil.
10.          Explain the terms:  Cracking, Knocking, Octane  Number  &  Cetane  Number.
11.          What is Synthetic petrol write any one method of preparation of synthetic petrol.

List of practicals to be performed in the Labs.

To determine the melting Point of the given compound.
Preparation of Acetanilide from Aniline.
To determine flow rate of different organic compound by paper chromatography.
To prepare Acetylsalicylic acid from salicylic acid.
To synthesize SudanI dye from             aniline and Î²naphthol.
To identify unknown organic compound.………………………..
Practicals Based on Latest Outcomes in Technology Study
Determination of moiture containt in given sample by Infrared moiture balance.

Assignment Submission Dates:

Sr. No
Assignments no. / Unit
Expected Date

For Word file Size A4, font Times new roman: Title 14 Bold, Subtitle 13 normal, matters should be in 12 normal, All paragraphs should be justified, images should be sent as jpeg/png format sepratly with the mail, reactions and structures should be drawn in the ACD/ChemSketch software.Freeware link

File Names must be as follows : 
For word file Enrlnumber_2130501_Word.doc    example : 1234567890_2130501_Word.doc
For ppt    file Enrlnumber_2130501_PPT.ppt       example : 1234567890_2130501_PPT.ppt     PPT Format
For SAQ file Enrlnumber_2130501_SAQ.doc     example : 1234567890_2130501_SAQ.doc   SAQ Format

send your file in one mail on the email ocupchem2015@gmail

Open Ended Project Title Submission: Submit your Topic of OEP Here

Mid Semester Result:

Mid-Sem Exam (SEPT-2017)  Result-OCUP (2130501)
Government Engineering College, Valsad
Department of Chemical Engineering 
B.E.-3rd sem,  GTU, YEAR 2017 - 2018
Sr. No. Enroll No. Mid sem Marks/ 30 Sr. No. Enroll No. Mid Sem Marks/ 30 Sr. No. Enroll No. Mid Sem Marks/ 30 Sr. No. Enroll No. Mid Sem Marks/ 30 Sr. No. Enroll No. Mid Sem Marks/ 30
1 160190105001 27 31 160190105034 23 61 160190105067 27 91 160190105099 25 121 DD9 12
2 160190105002 7 32 160190105035 20 62 160190105068 19 92 160190105100 27 122 DD10 19
3 160190105003 18 33 160190105036 18 63 160190105069 22 93 160190105101 27 123 DD11 AB
4 160190105004 27 34 160190105037 21 64 160190105070 20 94 160190105102 20 124 DD12 12
5 160190105005 23 35 160190105038 19 65 160190105071 18 95 160190105103 27 125 DD13 3
6 160190105006 22 36 160190105039 18 66 160190105072 16 96 160190105104 26 126 DD14 AB
7 160190105007 26 37 160190105040 AB 67 160190105073 20 97 160190105105 21 127 DD15 4
8 160190105008 16 38 160190105041 15 68 160190105074 29 98 160190105106 12 128 DD16 13
9 160190105010 24 39 160190105043 26 69 160190105075 17 99 160190105108 27 129 DD17 10
10 160190105011 26 40 160190105045 15 70 160190105077 26 100 160190105109 16 130 DD18 4
11 160190105012 23 41 160190105046 19 71 160190105079 12 101 160190105110 19 131 DD19 15
12 160190105013 AB 42 160190105047 25 72 160190105080 19 102 160190105111 24 132 DD20 AB
13 160190105014 17 43 160190105048 29 73 160190105081 21 103 160190105112 25 133 DD21 AB
14 160190105015 29 44 160190105049 25 74 160190105082 18 104 160190105113 26 134 DD22 AB
15 160190105016 29 45 160190105050 24 75 160190105083 22 105 160190105114 25 135 DD23 AB
16 160190105017 19 46 160190105051 22 76 160190105084 13 106 160190105115 16 136 DD24 14
17 160190105018 17 47 160190105052 AB 77 160190105085 15 107 160190105116 12 137 DD25 12
18 160190105019 15 48 160190105053 18 78 160190105086 24 108 160190105117 11 138 DD26 22
19 160190105022 20 49 160190105054 14 79 160190105087 21 109 160190105118 20 139 DD27 16
20 160190105023 6 50 160190105055 16 80 160190105088 23 110 160190105119 21 140 DD28 6
21 160190105024 28 51 160190105056 4 81 160190105089 24 111 160190105120 23 141 DD29 15
22 160190105025 27 52 160190105057 5 82 160190105090 24 112 150190105057 AB 142 DD30 AB
23 160190105026 19 53 160190105058 0 83 160190105091 26 113 DD1 AB 143 DD31 9
24 160190105027 21 54 160190105060 22 84 160190105092 17 114 DD2 AB 144 DD32 6
25 160190105028 22 55 160190105061 12 85 160190105093 27 115 DD3 12 145 DD33 AB
26 160190105029 17 56 160190105062 0 86 160190105094 24 116 DD4 16 146 DD34 AB
27 160190105030 22 57 160190105063 15 87 160190105095 20 117 DD5 15 147 DD35 13
28 160190105031 25 58 160190105064 21 88 160190105096 27 118 DD6 AB 148 DD36 16
29 160190105032 18 59 160190105065 24 89 160190105097 21 119 DD7 7 149 DD37 19
30 160190105033 17 60 160190105066 25 90 160190105098 15 120 DD8 11 150

Submission Test for OCUP:2130501 October 2017


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