This blog is prepared for benefit of Scholars in this filed of Chemistry, Environment, Education, Innovation and Engineering.....!!
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
Chemistry for BE Chemical 28-01-2016 to 20-05-2016
Academic calendar:
Format for OEP reports:
Assignments: Chemistry(2110001)
Assignment-1 Date of submission (on or before 05-03-2016)
NOTE: Each student will prepare a word and a ppt file for the same topic individually, and submit on or before the date 10-03-2016.
For Word file Size A4, font Times new roman: Title 14 Bold, Subtitle 13 normal, matters should be in 12 normal, All paragraphs should be justified, images should be sent as jpeg/png format separably with the mail, reactions and structures should be drawn in the ACD/ChemSketch software.Freeware link
Word file format:word file
PPT file format: ppt file
Morrison and Boyd
Format for OEP reports:
Submit your open ended project topic as soon as possible.
Most IMP From GTU : LINK for 100 points of activities......(03-05-2016)Assignments: Chemistry(2110001)
Assignment-1 Date of submission (on or before 05-03-2016)
- Describe the impacts of chemistry on nature and everyday life.
- Write a note on development of chemistry in science and engineering field.
- What is ‘GREEN CHEMISTRY’? Write 12 principles of green chemistry and explain any two with suitable examples.
- What is ‘atom economy’? Explain in details with example or case study.
- What are the types of chemical bonding explain with examples.
- Write a note on Lewis representation of organic molecules with examples.
- Explain the classification of organic molecules.
- What are the common sources of water? Is every source of water potable? Why?
- What are the sources of impurities in water?
- Explain the terms: Hard water, Soft water and degree of hardness.
- Why Scale and Sludge formation take place in boiler? What are the disadvantages of it?
- How will you prevent Scale and Sludge formation in boiler?
- Write a note on Caustic embrittlements.
- Describe the properties of drinking water.
- What is Break-point chlorination? Where and why it is used?
- Explain the term ‘Brackish water’? How will you carry out desalination of brackish water?
- What is functional group? Give two examples of each functional group(any 15 groups containing organic compounds)
Assignment-2 Date of submission (on or before)
- What are the properties of metals: explain.
- What is call metal? Give difference between metal and non metal.
- What is an alloy? Why we make alloys?
- Draw the classification chart of alloys.
- Prepare a note on steel alloys and its industrial applications.
- What is corrosion? Give theories of corrosion.
- What is sacrificing anode?
- Describe the methods of protection of metals from corrosion.
- Explain the terms Inhibitors and cathodic protection.
- What is cement? Write a note on the classification of cement materials.
- Prepare a list of properties of cement and explain them.
- What are the basic row materials for manufactures of Portland Cement?
- Explain in brief manufacture of Portland cement by wet process and dry process.
- Draw the flow sheet diagram of manufacture of cement for wet process.
- Write not on setting and hardening cement.
- Write a short note on standards of cement.
- Explain the terms PCC and RCC.
- Prepare a list of uses of cement.
- Explain the environmental impact of cement industries.
- Write a note on Non-Ferrous alloys and its industrial applications.
- Write a note about the classification of polymers on the basis of Source, Structure, molecular forces with examples.
- Give the common mechanisms(anionic, cationic and non-ionic) of Polymerization process.
- Classify the polymers on the basis of their process of synthesis with examples.
- Write difference between thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers.
- Define rubber and give some examples.
- Classify rubber with examples.
- Give difference between natural and synthetic rubber.
- Define the term Elastomer and give properties of natural rubber.
- Explain the term vulcanization of rubber and its usefulness.
- What are biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymers give examples
- Give synthesis, properties and uses of i) PVC ii) polypropene iii) polystyrene iv)SBR
- What is call fiber? Give types with examples.
- Give properties and uses of fibers viz. Cellulose acetic, Viscose Rayon, Nylon, Polyesters acrylic, Glass fibers, Liquid Crystals.
- Write applications of rubber.
- Define the terms: polymer, monomer, heavy polymer, oligo polymer
- What is genetic engineering?
- Prepare a note on uses of biotechnology in different fields.
- Write six different industrial applications of enzymes.
- Define the terms : Refractory, Abrasives and Insulators.
- Write the characteristics of refractories.
- How are refractories classified?
- Write short notes on porosity and permeability of a refractory
- Prepare a note on classification, properties and uses of abrasives.
- Explain classification of Insulators
- Write properties and uses of Insulators.
- Define Biotechnology with example.
- Define Chromatography and give applications in analytical chemistry.
- Explain the following terms with their uses in chemistry i) Specific gravity ii) Melting point iii) Boiling point iv) Crystallization v) Conductivity vi) Turbidity vii) pH
- Give the difference between qualitative and quantitative analysis.
- What is spectroscopy? Give usefulness in chemical analysis.
Virtual Lab Experiments
Topics for Word and PPT file preparation |
150190105001 | Introduction to Chemical Sciences, Development of Chemistry through ages and particularly in relevant field of Engineering |
150190105002 | Then and Now Chemistry in Industries {Impact on nature & everyday life and further modification through |
150190105003 | Green Chemistry and Green approaches |
150190105004 | Twelve principles of Green Chemistry. Explain first 2 topics |
150190105005 | Explain 3-6 Law of Green Chemistry |
150190105006 | Explain 7-9 Law of Green Chemistry |
150190105007 | Explain 10-12 Law of Green Chemistry |
150190105008 | Approaches to Chemical Bonding |
150190105009 | Lewis Representations of Simple Molecules and Ions, |
150190105010 | Types of Bonds, Importance of Organic Molecules in Chemistry |
150190105011 | Structural Representation of Organic Molecules |
150190105012 | Classification & Nomenclature of Organic molecules. |
150190105013 | Introduction to Water sources |
150190105014 | types of impurities, Sources of water Impurities |
150190105015 | Description of Hard and Soft Water |
150190105016 | Explain Degree of Hardness, Types of Hardness |
150190105017 | Scale and Sludge Formation in boiler and its prevention |
150190105018 | Caustic embrittlements, Softening of water |
150190105019 | steps taken for softening of water |
150190105020 | Properties of drinking water, units of hardness |
150190105021 | Break-point chlorination, Desalination of Brackish water |
150190105022 | explain lime soda process |
150190105023 | comparison between hot and cold lime soda process |
150190105024 | advantages of lime soda process and its disadvantages |
150190105025 | Introduction to Metals and Alloys |
150190105026 | Physical properties of metals |
150190105027 | Occurrence of Metals, mining |
150190105028 | Ore dressing: Technics |
150190105029 | Types of metallurgy, pyro-hydro-electrometallurgy |
150190105030 | Manufacturing of pig Iron |
150190105031 | Blast Furnace plant |
150190105032 | Bessemer Process |
150190105033 | Basic open hearth process |
150190105034 | Duplex process |
150190105035 | L-D Process |
150190105036 | Basic Oxygen Furnace Process |
150190105037 | Electric Furnace Process |
150190105038 | Definition and purpose of alloy |
150190105039 | Classification of alloys. Alloys Steel |
150190105040 | Non-Ferrous alloys and its industrial applications |
150190105041 | define alloy steel and its application |
150190105042 | Introduction to Corrosion, |
150190105043 | Magnitude of corrosion problem examples |
150190105044 | Theories of corrosion the acid theory with reactions |
150190105046 | The Chemical attack theory with reactions |
150190105047 | The Electrochemical theory with reactions |
150190105048 | Corrosion reactions |
150190105050 | Factors affecting corrosion rate |
150190105051 | Protection of metals from corrosion Organic coatings |
150190105054 | Paints |
150190105055 | Oils |
150190105056 | Water Paints |
150190105058 | Varnishes, Enamels as coating, Lacquers |
150190105059 | The role of design and material selection in corrosion protection |
150190105060 | Cathodic protection for corrosion |
150190105061 | Protective Coatings: Surface preparation, Metalic coatings, Galvanising |
150190105062 | Inhibitors, |
150190105063 | Introduction to cement and types of cements |
150190105064 | Classification of cement and its properties |
150190105065 | chemical composition of cement |
150190105066 | Standards of cement, Manufacturing of Portland cement |
150190105067 | chemical constituents of Portland cement and uses of portland cement |
150190105068 | Vertical shaft Kiln Technology |
150190105069 | Setting and hardening of cement, PCC & RCC |
150190105070 | Limes |
150190105071 | POP |
150190105072 | introduction to polymers and fibres |
150190105073 | classification based on Source, Structure, molecular forces. |
150190105074 | Classification based on Polymerization and its mechanism |
150190105075 | Condensation Polymerization |
150190105076 | Addition Polymerization |
150190105078 | Mechanism of polymerization three types |
150190105079 | Branching in polymers |
150190105081 | Plastics:Defination, uses in engineering, types of plastics, Compounds of plastic |
150190105082 | Resins and clasification |
150190105083 | Thermoplastic resins |
150190105084 | Thermosetting resins |
150190105085 | Adhesives |
150190105086 | Laminates |
150190105087 | Conductive polymers |
150190105088 | Definition of Rubber, Types of Rubber |
150190105089 | Vulcanization of rubber. Application of Rubber |
150190105090 | Biodegradable Polymers, Commercially important polymers- PVC |
150190105091 | Polypropylene, polystyrene and their uses |
150190105092 | Types of fibres – Natural, semi synthetic, synthetic fibres |
150190105093 | Physical properties of fibres and uses of Cellulose acetic |
150190105094 | Viscose Rayon, Nylon, Polyesters acrylic |
150190105095 | Glass fibers, Liquid Crystals. |
150190105096 | Introduction and definition of Fuel and Combustion |
150190105097 | types of fuel and their advantages and disadvantages |
150190105098 | Calorific Value, Characteristics of good fuel |
150190105099 | Analysis of coal:types |
150190105100 | ultimate and proximate of coal |
150190105101 | define and explain LPG, Natural gas, Bio gas |
150190105102 | Refining of Petroleum by Fractional distillation |
150190105103 | definition of Chemical aspect of Biotechnology |
150190105104 | explain biotechnology and its uses |
150190105105 | Benefits through biotechnology in daily life and agriculture |
150190105106 | biotechnology used in Food quality, Medicines, Fermentation processes |
150190105107 | Enzymes and its application in industries |
150190105108 | definition, Uses, Classifications and properties of of Refractory, |
150190105109 | definition, Uses, Classifications and properties of of Abrasives |
150190105110 | definition, Uses, Classifications and properties of of Insulators |
150190105111 | definition, Uses, Classifications and properties of of Enamels |
150190105112 | definition, Uses, Classifications and properties of Conductors |
150190105113 | types of instruments in lab |
150190105114 | Melting point, Boiling point, |
150190105115 | Crystallization. And other methods for Purification of compounds |
150190105116 | Chemical analysis – Quantitative and Qualitative definition, and examples |
150190105117 | analysis of organic and inorganic compounds |
150190105118 | instrumentation analysis of Spectroscopic, |
150190105119 | instrumentation analysis of GAS Chromatography |
150190105120 150190105121 |
analysis of pH Measurement and uses of pH measurements |
150190105122 | instrumentation analysis of Conductivity |
150190105123 | instrumentation analysis of Turbidity |
150190105124 | Nano Chemistry definition and scope |
150190105125 | Fuel cell and types with applications |
150190105126 | Battery Chemistry |
NOTE: Each student will prepare a word and a ppt file for the same topic individually, and submit on or before the date 10-03-2016.
For Word file Size A4, font Times new roman: Title 14 Bold, Subtitle 13 normal, matters should be in 12 normal, All paragraphs should be justified, images should be sent as jpeg/png format separably with the mail, reactions and structures should be drawn in the ACD/ChemSketch software.Freeware link
Word file format:word file
PPT file format: ppt file
Morrison and Boyd
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Who had not submitted the assignment yet, they should submit as fast as possible.(09/05/2016)
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Government Engineering College, Valsad | Exam Date 22-03-2016 | ||||||
Chemical Engineering Department | |||||||
Mid-Sem Exam Result CHEMISTRY (2110001) | |||||||
B.E.-1st Year, 2ND Sem (DIV-I & II) GTU , YEAR 2015 - 2016 | |||||||
Enroll No. | Marks/30 | Enroll No. | Marks/30 | Enroll No. | Marks/30 | Enroll No. | Marks/30 |
150190105001 | 21 | 150190105031 | 17 | 150190105066 | 15 | 150190105098 | 9 |
150190105002 | 21 | 150190105032 | 20 | 150190105067 | 18 | 150190105099 | 11 |
150190105003 | 24 | 150190105033 | 20 | 150190105068 | 17 | 150190105100 | 19 |
150190105004 | 23 | 150190105034 | 23 | 150190105069 | 15 | 150190105101 | 12 |
150190105005 | 24 | 150190105035 | 21 | 150190105070 | 14 | 150190105102 | 11 |
150190105006 | 9 | 150190105036 | 17 | 150190105071 | AB | 150190105103 | 22 |
150190105007 | 22 | 150190105037 | 26 | 150190105072 | 17 | 150190105104 | 4 |
150190105008 | 24 | 150190105038 | 22 | 150190105073 | AB | 150190105105 | 19 |
150190105009 | 24 | 150190105039 | 25 | 150190105074 | 10 | 150190105106 | 5 |
150190105010 | 16 | 150190105040 | 21 | 150190105075 | 7 | 150190105107 | AB |
150190105011 | 17 | 150190105041 | 25 | 150190105076 | 7 | 150190105108 | 9 |
150190105012 | 18 | 150190105042 | 27 | 150190105078 | 13 | 150190105109 | 17 |
150190105013 | 29 | 150190105043 | 23 | 150190105079 | 16 | 150190105110 | 22 |
150190105014 | 24 | 150190105044 | 14 | 150190105081 | AB | 150190105111 | 25 |
150190105015 | 23 | 150190105046 | 23 | 150190105082 | AB | 150190105112 | 17 |
150190105016 | 7 | 150190105047 | 13 | 150190105083 | 0 | 150190105113 | 19 |
150190105017 | 11 | 150190105048 | 27 | 150190105084 | 12 | 150190105114 | 16 |
150190105018 | 15 | 150190105050 | 16 | 150190105085 | 11 | 150190105115 | 12 |
150190105019 | 11 | 150190105051 | 19 | 150190105086 | 16 | 150190105116 | 19 |
150190105020 | AB | 150190105054 | 26 | 150190105087 | 16 | 150190105117 | 20 |
150190105021 | 16 | 150190105055 | 0 | 150190105088 | AB | 150190105118 | 10 |
150190105022 | 18 | 150190105056 | 22 | 150190105089 | 23 | 150190105119 | 19 |
150190105023 | 23 | 150190105058 | 27 | 150190105090 | 26 | 150190105120 | 23 |
150190105024 | 11 | 150190105059 | 6 | 150190105091 | 24 | 150190105121 | 23 |
150190105025 | 15 | 150190105060 | 19 | 150190105092 | 25 | 150190105122 | 12 |
150190105026 | 21 | 150190105061 | 17 | 150190105093 | 9 | 150190105123 | 17 |
150190105027 | 11 | 150190105062 | 21 | 150190105094 | 19 | 150190105124 | 28 |
150190105028 | 12 | 150190105063 | 25 | 150190105095 | 5 | 150190105125 | AB |
150190105029 | 11 | 150190105064 | 12 | 150190105096 | 17 | 150190105126 | 23 |
150190105030 | 22 | 150190105065 | 18 | 150190105097 | 4 |
Format for MCQ question Bank Preparation: MCQ-Word file Download and fill with MCQ questions and four options for each, and also give one right answer(only option) in last column like (x).
Who had not submitted the assignment yet, they should submit as fast as possible.(09/05/2016)
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